Cynthia Lauren

Primary fields

First name Cynthia
Last name Lauren

With over 20 years in nonprofit management, fundraising and advocacy, I still love what I do. My current consulting practice is focused on helping new and smaller nonprofits negotiate the formal business world while remaining committed to their missions and goals.
Attention to the necessary operational issues and assuring efficiency allows the nonprofit to devote more time and energy to their mission and less to cleaning up the back office. Reporting, metrics and transparency are important to demonstrate how effective the organization is, but many don't necessarily come into nonprofit work with that kind of knowledge.
This is where we come in, and help make sure the necessary, if unthrilling parts of that work, are managed well.

Nickname Cynthia Lauren
Display name Cynthia Lauren

Speaker Info

Company Lauren Associates
Title President
Mobile Phone Number 310 828-6979(H)