Christina Latterell

Primary fields

First name Christina
Last name Latterell

Humanity is not a course to be studied but a way of life. I have worked in the health care industry for many years teasing with different administrative functions of health care, allowing myself to make a modest but forceful impact. It all started in a small clinic in rural Minnesota. As the oldest daughter of a health system administrator and nurse I had the privilege of serving the small community in many ways, not realizing then that it was what I was destined to do.

I learned clinical process early on by pretending to check patients in after hours and adding postage to patient billings with the mail machine. I played in the secret racquetball rooms underneath the clinic and was forced annually to get my well-child check-ups and dental exams. I was not only an observer of health care policy and process but it was ingrained into my daily life.

At a young age, I had the ability to diagnose myself with simple conditions like strept throat before the throat culture results where back from the lab, wondering silently what took them so long to get the results back. I also vividly recall the personal touch of being carried over to the hospital, from the clinic, by nursing staff when my appendix burst at age five and an emergency appendectomy was required.

A lot has changed since those days and I have lived much more life and gained invaluable experience through a multitude of opportunities. I continue to mold myself into an accomplished strategic leader with the ability to transform the US healthcare delivery system through application of population based metrics; driving advanced quality outcomes while decreasing medical cost.

I have demonstrated much success in developing and implementing clinical quality metrics, achieving cost reductions, and improving satisfaction with both internal and external customers. Through my current education and practical experiences, I have acquired exceptional problem solving skills and a keen ability to aggressively identify opportunities, develop focus, and provide tactical business solutions.

I believe strongly that the life experiences I have obtained throughout the years has made me who I am today and has provided me the needed skills to shape the health care delivery system of tomorrow, a delivery system that will be more cost effective while increasing the quality of care and transparency provided.

Nickname Christina Latterell
Display name Christina Latterell

Speaker Info

Company Alignment Healthcare
Title VP, Quality Improvement
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 813 415-9180(H)