Kelle Cantwell

Primary fields

First name Kelle
Last name Cantwell

Kelle Cantwell and Lisa Ibarra are the co-founders of The Beauty Board. Kelle and Lisa met in 2013, as they served together on the Oasis Church Outreach Team. Since then, they have served together in the greater parts of Los Angeles working closely together with the Union Rescue Mission in Downtown skid row. During their time at the Los Angeles Union Rescue Mission, they volunteered in the kitchen, lead a bible study, and provided free manicures and workout classes for the women living in the facility. Out of these experiences, The Beauty Board was born.

Nickname Kelle Cantwell
Display name Kelle Cantwell

Speaker Info

Company The Beauty Board
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Pat Brown High School

Last Speaking Date 10/4/16
Title CEO
Mobile Phone Number 619 518-7846(H)