Jacent Mpalyenkana

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First name Jacent
Last name Mpalyenkana

Dr. Jacent M Mpalyenkana, Ph.D., MBA, is an author, professional speaker, counselor and success coach. She is a graduate of Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda; Hull University, England; and The Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Science (IMHS), Miami, Florida.

She holds a bachelor’s degree in commerce, a master’s degree in business administration, and PhDs in Counseling, and Metaphysical Sciences.
Dr. Mpalyenkana is the founder of Tap The Good Counseling, Speaking and Success Coaching Services. As a counselor, she specializes in abuse, co-dependence on alcohol and abuse, stress management, and family conflict.

As a success coach, she specializes in Business partnerships, creating success-infused mindsets, Communication Strategies, Leadership, The Art of Persuasion, and Performance.

Email author@tapthegood.com
Nickname Jacent Mpalyenkana
Display name Jacent Mpalyenkana

Speaker Info

Company Tap The Good Counseling and Success Coaching Services
Title Founder/ CEO
LinkedIn Profile http://www.linkedin.com/drjacintampalyenkana
Mobile Phone Number 818 862-1182(H)