Angy Chin

Primary fields

First name Angy
Last name Chin

Became an orphan as a teenager, came to US alone, first in family to get a degree, then MBA, worked for Fortune 500 companies, became CFO and CEO of companies starting age 35, ran public and public companies, own few start-ups. Had birth-defect spine and couldn't walk, took 7 years to be pain-free. Liver failure, near-death experience....In the midst of everything, went to Arctic twice and Antarctic once and many in-between. Life is an adventure.

Nickname Angy Chin
Display name Angy Chin

Speaker Info

Company BIC Group LLC
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Inglewood High School

Last Speaking Date 5/14/18
Title President
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 502 314-3838(H)