Amy Wenslow

Primary fields

First name Amy
Last name Wenslow

Amy Wenslow is known as one of the most highly sought after consultants for product development and sales strategy for retail products.

She is thrilled that her small business clients consistently win prestigious awards as well as buyer attention from over 35 major US chains. Products have been as diverse as surfboards, jewelry, mouthwash, natural cleaning products, pet products, clothing and hardware / plumbing.

Her company, Products To Profits, specializes in catapulting new products forward to massively improved results, without millions of dollars or the risk of a ton of inventory.

Amy has been quoted in Entrepreneur Magazine’s Sept 2014 and May 2015
issues. She is also a guest speaker for the United States Patent and Trademark Office on commercialization of products.

Nickname Amy Wenslow
Display name Amy Wenslow

Speaker Info

Company Products To Profits, Inc.
Title CEO
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 626 709-3840(H)