Primary fields
First name | Anamika |
Last name | Modawal |
Bio | I believe in the power of international business as the ultimate change agent. Globalization allows for socio-economic betterment, forges cross-cultural cooperation and cultivates innovations that make the world a better place. I'd like to show students a taste of the world as I see it, so the next generation can think about engaging in professions that have a global impact. | | |
Nickname | Anamika Modawal |
Display name | Anamika Modawal |
Speaker Info
Company | Skinn Cosmetics |
Schools You Have Spoken At | Animo Pat Brown High School |
Last Speaking Date | 1/1/18 |
Title | Sr. Mgr., Int'l Busines Development |
LinkedIn Profile | |
Mobile Phone Number | 513 800-8843(H) |