Alex Montoya

Primary fields

First name Alex
Last name Montoya


My name is Alex Montoya and I am ready to inspire your audience.

As an author, speaker, and business owner, my story is uplifting and told with emotion and humor.

In 1974 I was born in Medellin, Colombia missing my arms and right leg due to a birth defect.

Through a set of strong personal beliefs and principles, I overcame these challenges. My story is unique yet relatable, as I share how others can overcome THEIR challenges.

Why should you book me?

- I have published four books - three motivational ones and one novel

- I have appeared in two Hollywood films, Artificial Intelligence and Minority Report

- I worked in Major League Baseball for over 10 years for the San Diego Padres

- I carried the Olympic Torch in 1996

- I hold degrees from the University of Notre Dame and University of San Francisco

- I offer insight on disability awareness, personal achievement, community service

Where have I spoken and who are some of my clients?


- Harvard

- Dallas Cowboys practice arena

- Ford Motor Company

- Rotary International


Attached you'll find my bio and headshot.

You may also learn more at my website at

Thanks for your time and I hope to hear from you. I'm ready to motivate your audience!

Keep Inspiring,


Nickname Alex Montoya
Display name Alex Montoya

Speaker Info

Company A-MOtivational Communications
Title Owner
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 619 929-6000(H)