Primary fields
First name | Alan |
Last name | Greenberg |
Bio | Am a retired busness exec. with extensive background in accounting, finance, managment and administration. Had senior managment positions in multinational corporations, and was co-managing partner of real estate development company-specializing in moderate priced single family housing. Have 4 children and 8 grandchildren, and have travelled extensively world-wide | | |
Nickname | Alan Greenberg |
Display name | Alan Greenberg |
Speaker Info
Company | retired |
Schools You Have Spoken At | Alliance Collins Family High School, Alliance Judy Ivie Burton Technology Academy High, Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy, Alliance Simon Technology Academy High School, Alliance Susan & Eric Smidt Tech High School, Alliance William & Carol Ouchi High School, Animo Inglewood High School, Animo Jackie Robinson High School, Animo Leadership High School, Animo Pat Brown High School. Animo South Los Angeles High School, Oscar De La Hoya Animo High School, Santee High School, Valor Academy High School |
Last Speaking Date | 8/11/17 |
Title | none |
Mobile Phone Number | 310 612-8920(H) |