Laurie Burton

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First name Laurie
Last name Burton

Laurie Burton is an internationally recognized innovator and author who has helped thousands of people improve their ability to communicate effectively, thereby creating more success in business and in life.
The author of PRESENTING YOU, Laurie’s techniques generate dramatic results in an amazingly short time from one-on-one coaching, to seminars, to corporate groups. Promoting the use of each individual’s unique passion, energy and animation, she encourages attendees to her workshops to be comfortable with themselves, creating more effective opportunities to lead, inspire, convince and sell!
From 1985-2008 Laurie was a senior lecturer at the University of California, School of Cinematic Arts, where she taught acting and directing for film in both graduate and undergraduate programs. During this time, Laurie developed training sessions with a focus on what she believes is one of the most dynamic, yet overlooked tools available for expressing ourselves – the human body. Laurie Burton Training refers to it as the Human Instrument, the engine that drives the way we speak, present and communicate and a major contributor to the success or failure of reaching any audience, regardless its size.
A 30-year veteran performer of film, television and theater, Laurie has conducted hundreds of workshops in the corporate world, using the breadth of her experience in acting to help people connect more deeply with others by learning and consistently employing The Art of Communication.
Laurie Burton Training clients include Fortune 500 companies such as IBM, Mattel Toys, Digital Equipment, Merrill Lynch, ITT and Twentieth Century Fox.

Nickname Laurie
Display name Laurie Burton