Kamili Samms

Primary fields

First name Kamili
Last name Samms

My purpose in life is to uplift, inspire, and encourage others through my services and organizations. The more I help others, the more my own life is improved!

Coming from a family of service providers, I learned at a very young age the importance of good customer service. Therefore, I try to listen more than talk while ensuring my clients are well informed on the details of the mortgage loan. Buying a home is a big step whether its your first or your 10th. Understanding why the underwriter asks for certain documents or what the importance of Private Money Insurance is helps clients appreciate the process.

Email kamili.samms@caliberhomeloans.com
Website https://zenlender.mortgage
Nickname Kamili.samms@caliberhomeloans.com
Display name Kamili Samms

Speaker Info

Company Caliber Home Loans
Industry Business and Entrepreneurship, Banking / Finance, Real Estate
Title Mortgage Planner
LinkedIn Profile https://www.facebook.com/Kamili-Allen-Samms-Caliber-Home-Loans-Inc-NMLS-1030128-1471046866329710/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Mobile Phone Number 8186345807
Activity YES
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/wp-user-manager-uploads/2019/12/Youth-Business-Alliance-Presentation.pdf