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Leonard Armato

Leonard Armato is the founder and CEO of Management Plus Enterprises (MPE), and has been a leader in developing, positioning,...

Lexi Timmons

I’ve always been drawn to oncology, as I felt I could make the greatest difference there. I loved the connection...

Lili Trujillo

After my daughter Valentina was killed during an spontaneous street race. I became the founder of Street Racing Kills We...

Linda Menzel

Linda K. Menzel was named General Counsel of Loot Crate, Inc., a subscription box company that delivers crates of awesome...

Linda Mitchell

I grew up in Chicago, moved to LA. by myself in 1981. I have been officially in the work fore...

Linda Salvin

I have a Master's degree in public health. Four years after grad school, I was in a plane crash. I...

Linda Tisherman

I help my clients navigate their business lives to actually coincide with their true passions because, frankly, life is just...